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Shipping pantograph v0.1

Posted on:April 6, 2023

So I have been hinting at the work being done on my 2D library. I have finally published it, it is called pantograph and you can find it on npm as pantograph2d (because some crypto guy took pantograph).

My aim is to create a full JS (typescript) library that does what the 2D operations of replicad do - but with sane data structure, lots of tests and a good understanding of what is going on. In other words, it should fit my list of features

This is really the ship it version of this project, it only supports straight lines, it needs some low hanging optimisations, there are some bugs I am aware of that I need to fix and lots of work ahead.

But, it already fixes some issues that I had with my replicad implementation. I like the data structure I have build (and described here). And now everything is built with tests - so I know what is breaking and can reproduce, isolate and fix my bugs.

Basic roadmap

So now where do I want to go from here?

Further down the line I would love to explore further topics

pantograph first tests